Terms of Use

Social Media Platform Terms of Use

Shady Lane Cellars is committed to ensuring that our digital and social content is responsible. Please read our guidelines below for specifics on posting comments and photos on our page. We will remove comments and photos if:

- The comment is by a person under the legal drinking age or a photo features someone who is (or appears to be) under the legal drinking age.

- It discusses drinking by anyone under the legal drinking age in a positive light.
- It portrays over-consumption or irresponsible drinking.
- It endorses drinking while driving, operating any type of machinery, or engaging in another type of activity that requires concentration to avoid injury.
- It implies that drinking alcohol results in any type of medical benefits or aids a person sexually.
- It implies that any drink is good because it has a high alcohol content.

- It condemns anyone who chooses not to drink alcohol.
- It discusses drinking alcohol in relation to any type of illegal or antisocial behavior.
- It features copyrighted logos, products or characters other than our brands.
- It contains offensive language or gestures; or could be seen as offensive on the basis of gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, or culture; or is a personal attack on another user, individual or company.

Shady Lane Cellars reserves the right to adjust this policy as needed and to delete comments or photos for reasons not stated in this list. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us directly.


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